Q: The recent Walt Disney biography on American Experience stated that Walt was the one who decided to change the name of the Disney Brothers Cartoon Studio to the Walt Disney Studio, however the D23 site states that it was Roy’s idea (and I believe Bob Thomas also mentions it being Roy’s idea in Walt Disney: An American Original). Is there anything out there that would suggest Walt was behind the change instead of Roy? I’m curious to know what information PBS may have been referencing. What evidence do we have that Roy was the one that suggested the change?
Mark, Cypress, California
A: Some biographical sources have suggested that it was Walt’s idea, but in 1970 or 1971, I personally asked Roy O. Disney about the name change, when visiting with him in his office. Roy told me that it was his idea. He felt that since Walt was the creative one, his name should be on the company, and also the public could better identify with a single individual.