Ruby Bridges (television) Two-hour television movie directed by Euzhan Palcy, aired on The Wonderful World of Disney on Jan. 18, 1998. The poignant story about a six-year-old girl’s struggle for equality during the tumultuous American civil rights movement of the 1960s, as one of the first African American students to be integrated into the New Orleans public schools. Stars Chaz Monét (Ruby), Penelope Ann Miller (Barbara Henry), Kevin Pollak (Dr. Robert Coles), Michael Beach (Abon Bridges), Jean Louisa Kelly (Jane Coles), Peter Francis James (Dr. Broyard), Patrika Darbo (Jill), Diana Scarwid (Miss Woodmore), Lela Rochon (Lucielle Bridges). Shot entirely on location in Wilmington, North Carolina. As a first for Disney, President Bill Clinton joined Michael Eisner in introducing the show; the two men were taped in the Cabinet Room at the White House. Released on video in 2000.