Winnie the Pooh (film) Animated feature film released in the U.S. on July 15, 2011, after an April 6, 2011, release in Belgium. Pooh wakes up absolutely famished and he happens to have no honey, so he sets out on a journey which is ultimately derailed by a search to replace Eeyore’s lost tail. Everything becomes more complicated when Christopher Robin goes missing. Pooh finds a note from Christopher Robin that reads “Gone out. Busy. Back soon.” But then Owl misinterprets the note, proclaiming that the boy has been captured by a creature called a “Backson.” Soon the whole gang is on a wild quest to save Christopher Robin from the imaginary culprit. Directed by Don Hall and Stephen Anderson. Voices include Jim Cummings (Winnie the Pooh, Tigger), Bud Luckey (Eeyore), Craig Ferguson (Owl), Jack Boulter (Christopher Robin), Travis Oates (Piglet), Kristen Anderson-Lopez (Kanga), Wyatt Dean Hall (Roo), Tom Kenny (Rabbit), Huell Howser (Backson), John Cleese (narrator). 63 min.