Good Luck Charlie (television) Comedy series on Disney Channel, premiered on April 4, 2010. Two teenagers, Teddy and PJ Duncan, and their 10-year-old brother, Gabe, are enlisted by their parents to help when the parents return to work after the birth of their fourth child, Charlotte (aka Charlie). With their parents juggling full time careers, the older Duncan siblings pitch in, getting very familiar with baby formulas, burp clothes, and babysitting while navigating typical teenage life. Each episode features Teddy’s video diary, which she creates for Charlie to use for advice after Teddy has grown up and moved out. Stars Bridgit Mendler (Teddy), Jason Dolley (PJ), Bradley Steven Perry (Gabe), Eric Allan Kramer (Bob Duncan), Leigh Allyn Baker (Amy Duncan), Mia Talerico (Charlotte “Charlie” Duncan). The third season introduced a new story line as the Duncans prepared for the arrival of another baby. He arrived during a June 24, 2012, special episode and was named Toby as a result of a “name the baby” poll on the Disney Channel website—25 million votes were tallied. From It’s a Laugh Productions, Inc.