Barbara, Stratford, Connecticut
A: Movie memorabilia such as this does have collector interest. These days, such things often get offered for sale on eBay.
Barbara, Camarillo, California
A: When shortened home-movie versions of the Disney cartoons were released in 8mm and 16mm versions, they were often given different titles by Hollywood Film Enterprises, the licensee. Thus, Jealous Mickey is their title for a part of Mickey’s Rival (1936). They had cut the cartoon into several parts, and gave each part a new title. These films have little or no value, since the cartoons have been released in their complete form on video and DVD.
Anthony, Tomah, Wisconsin
A: There were two early boxed sets of four Disney books that are fondly remembered. They had enormous sales through mail-order campaigns. The initial set, from 1965, was called The Wonderful Worlds of Walt Disney, with the individual titles being Fantasyland, Worlds of Nature, America, and Stories from Other Lands. The next set (1970, 1977) was The Walt Disney Parade, including Adventures in Fact, Fun Favorites, Fantasy on Parade, and Great Moments in Fiction. The sets were published by Golden Press and can be readily found on eBay and at many used book stores.
Alex, Muskegon, Michigan
A: My favorites are the Mickey Mouse items that aren’t normally saved as collectibles. Such items are quite scarce, but often not expensive when they do turn up: things from the 1930s like a Mickey Mouse toothbrush, underwear, sweatshirt, and matching scarf and purse. My favorite Mickey Mouse cartoon is Brave Little Tailor.
Rebecca, Saint Joseph, Michigan
A: According to an article in the March 1931 issue of Modern Mechanix, the 16mm Kodatoy projector, made by Eastman Kodak, was “recently introduced.” It was during this same period that Disney licensed Hollywood Film Enterprises to release shortened versions of its cartoons for home movie use. The projector itself is unrelated to Disney. The projector is, of course, an antique; the films have little or no value because all have been released on DVD in recent years.
Andrew, Northville, Michigan
A: There was a 1984 14k gold men’s wristwatch made by Baume and Mercier, a prominent watch firm from Geneva that was founded in 1830; that watch sold for $3,500, with a women’s version at $1,800. But perhaps the highest price was for a handmade 18k gold watch with mother of pearl dials, by Gerald Genta, in 1991. Its asking price was $15,500.
Carl, Katonah, New York
A: If you will email a photo of your pin, with any supporting information, to the Walt Disney Archives ( they may be able to help you.