Q: Do you know when Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is set? I know this is sort of a silly question, but it just bugs me not knowing the answer. And another small question: how did Disney compensate for the money he lost in the early ’40s? Was it through his animated shorts? Thanks a million, Dave!
Mohammad, Anaheim, California
A: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs is a fairy tale first published by the Brothers Grimm in 1812, so it obviously takes place before that, but I don’t think the Grimms (or Walt Disney) ever detailed exactly when the story was supposed to be set. During the post-war years of the 1940s, Walt Disney kept his company afloat by producing educational films, short cartoons, and package features—a group of shorts and featurettes tied together and released as a feature—as well as by licensing merchandise. By the start of the 1950s, he had a hit with Cinderella, had started his True-Life Adventures, and was about to embark in the fields of television and theme parks.
Dave Smith