Q: You answered my question in Jan. 10 – Feb. 4, 2013. Just wanted to let you know after hours of searching on YouTube for the advert I was talking about, I found it!! For some reason, it is in German but I saw it in English when I was younger. It’s also called Euro Disney, but it definitely looks like Walt Disney World to me! For a look at it here’s the link—http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-uCeOaQHnno—showing the child on a 3D attraction with Winnie the Pooh. It’s bringing back so many magic memories! And what was Michael Jackson’s involvement with Disney?
Louise Orlando, Florida
A: I am pleased that you found it. Disneyland Paris opened in 1992, so in order to have a television commercial available for showing in France before the opening, when the park was still under construction, they used one produced at Walt Disney World. The dialogue and narration of the commercial are actually in French. Michael Jackson appeared in a Captain Eo attraction for the Disney parks, including one in Discoveryland at Disneyland Paris.
Dave Smith