Q: Maybe this will not ring a bell at all, but when I was a child (approximately 1986–1988) I remember the Disney Channel often repeating two movies that I don’t have a name for: 1) A girl who travels with her wolf. The setting was probably around 1920–1930, and the wolf “defends” her through her travels. 2) I have a more murky memory of this one, but it’s about a girl who, I believe, moves to a town. In her walks through the nearby forest, she finds an old cottage and a lady living there—who the people of the town believe to be a witch—and the girl and the lady become close. The backdrop is a forest/woods setting (There was also a scene where she is crossing the river on logs and almost falls into the wild river). I’d be grateful if you have any idea of these movies’ titles, as I’d love to watch them with my kids now.
Lissa, Houston, Texas
A: The first film you recall is The Journey of Natty Gann (1985) starring Meredith Salenger and John Cusack. The other film may be The Watcher in the Woods (1981) with Bette Davis playing the old woman/witch and Carroll Baker the girl.
Dave Smith