Q: The first time I visited Walt Disney World was in about 1979 or 1980. I was wandering around and stumbled upon a little side street, I noticed a door, which led into a small theater. I sat down to watch the show. The two things I remember most was Alice in the Flower Garden and Cinderella, first in her rags, and then the lights went down and when they came back up, she was in her ball gown. It was on a revolving stage and it was done with Animatronics. I also have a postcard of Alice with the Flowers. Can you please help me with this?
Lisa, Elyria, Ohio
A: You may be thinking of the Mickey Mouse Revue, which was in Fantasyland at Walt Disney World’s Magic Kingdom from 1971 to 1980. The attraction later moved to Tokyo Disneyland where it remained until 2009.
Dave Smith