Q: I often attend yard sales and came across a wonderful find one day for my Disney collection that I would love some more info on: It’s an 8″ x 10″ Kodak photo showing some form of military, possibly the air force, viewing a Donald Duck movie. It is a photo of a painting. On the back there is a typed sticker that reads: DOD STILL MEDIA DEPOSITORY BLDG. 168, N.D.W. WASHINGTON, D.C. 20374-1681
Kristen, Mechanicsville, Virginia
A: Robert Laessig (1913-2010), who for years was known for his floral designs for greeting cards, during World War II served in the 13th Air Force Historical Section, creating 70 paintings depicting his unit in the war. You have an official Department of Defense photo of one of those paintings.
Dave Smith