Q: There was a lovely young blonde actress who appeared with Walt in many of his lead-ins to the Wonderful World of Color TV show. She was one of the paint girls in the premier episode “Color,” brought Walt blueprints for Natures Wonderland in “Disneyland ’61,” asked for Walt’s autograph and “stole” his popcorn in “Disneyland After Dark,” escorted you to your reserved table in the “Golden Horseshoe Revue,” and brought Walt models in the Radio City CinemaScope intro to Disneyland USA. I’d love to know her name and information you might have about her!
Joseph, Pasadena, California
A: The same actress appeared in the lead-in for The Horse Without a Head on TV, and Walt called her Marla. The same name appears in production records for other shows: Marla Ryan.
Dave Smith