Q: I have really vague memories of some kind of temporary theme in Disneyland related to the Disney Afternoon. I think I remember these from when I was very young (I was born in 1986). I looked online about these memories and only found a name: Disney Afternoon Avenue. But I don’t know if it’s all true. Once again, these are very vague memories of mine, and I could have just dreamed them for all I know. Know anything about this, Dave?
Joseph, Nevada, California
A: The only Disney Afternoon theme at Disneyland was indeed Disney Afternoon Avenue, for eight months in 1991. The area in front of it’s a small world was decorated with building fronts modeled after the ones in the Disney Afternoon TV shows, and costumed characters interacted with guests. The Fantasyland Autopia and Motor Boat Cruise were also themed to Disney Afternoon.
Dave Smith