Q: The Bakersfield College Archives has prints of two separate Mickey Mouse cartoons. One says Bakersfield above a dancing Mickey. In the other, Mickey is carrying a banner that says Bakersfield College. He is dressed in yellow shoes, red pants, and yellow top—no buttons. Both contain the copyright information. We have no idea of the occasion for which they were produced or the date. We have two requests: 1.  We hope you can identify the date and possibly the occasion. 2.  Bakersfield College is just entering its Centennial year. The BC Archives would like permission to print the one carrying the Bakersfield College banner on cloth tote bags to be sold as a fundraiser for the Archives.
Jerry, Bakersfield, California
A: You can send photos of the drawings to the Walt Disney Archives to see if they can identify them, but I cannot find any mention of Disney doing special art for Bakersfield College. The closest I came: Disney designed art for the 1952 Kern County Fair in Bakersfield. The Disney Legal Department would most likely not grant reproduction rights for merchandise because of current contracts with other merchandisers.
Dave Smith