Q: Before Swedish illustrator Gustaf Tenggren migrated to America and began working for The Walt Disney Company in the 1930s, he (as I am sure you are already fully aware) was studying art at Valand, in Gothenburg. There he met and befriended fellow art student Rudolf Petersson, who would later come to create one of Sweden’s most beloved comics of all time. A few years later, Gustaf married Rudolf’s sister, Anna, and when they migrated to America in 1920, Rudolf decided to follow them. What I would like to know is if Rudolf Petersson ever applied for a job at The Walt Disney Company, and if so, if you could tell me something about his work at the studio. I have heard rumors in Sweden that he did, but I have never gotten these rumors confirmed.
Dennis, Gothenburg, Sweden
A: The Disney personnel records do not show a Rudolf Petersson ever working for Disney.
Dave Smith