Q: My husband and I love discovering all of the personal touches around Disneyland that honor individuals that made Disney what it is today. Among other things, we have noticed Disney’s family crest above the castle, a nod to his father and other animators and Imagineers on windows. Are there any other hidden treasures around the park that honor his wife, daughters, brother, or any other family members?
Crystal, Reseda, California
A: Here are some: If you look above New Orleans Square, you will see WD and RD in the wrought iron of the balcony. The special parlor car on the train is named the Lilly Belle after Walt’s wife Lillian. There used to be a Willard P. Bounds Blacksmith and U.S. Marshal location in Frontierland, named for Lillian’s father. There is also on display the chunk of a petrified tree that Walt gave Lillian for their wedding anniversary. And, of course, there is the bronze statue of Walt with Mickey in the center of the Hub.
Dave Smith