Strange World (film) Action-adventure feature from Walt Disney Animation Studios. A legendary family of explorers, the Clades, attempts to navigate an uncharted, treacherous land alongside a motley crew that includes a mischievous blob, a three-legged dog, and a slew of ravenous creatures. Released November 23, 2022, also in 3-D. Directed by Don Hall and co-directed by Qui Nguyen. Voices include Jake Gyllenhaal (Searcher Clade), Dennis Quaid (Jaeger Clade), Jaboukie Young-White (Ethan Clade), Gabrielle Union (Meridian Clade), Lucy Liu (Callisto Mal). 102 min. Music by Henry Jackman. The film was created in the spirit of pulp novels and the movies inspired by them, with art direction based on pulp magazines from the 1930s–1940s.