Dave the Barbarian (television) Animated series on Disney Channel, premiering on January 23, 2004. In the Middle Ages, Dave and his offbeat family, including his primping older sister Candy and fierce younger sister Fang, protect themselves and their kingdom from a world of odd foes. Complicating matters is brawny Dave’s nonbarbarian demeanor—he prefers the finer things in life, like origami, bird-watching, and gourmet cooking. With a combination of Dave’s brute strength and his fine art skills, villains do not stand a chance. Voices include Danny Cooksey (Dave), Estelle Harris (Lula the magic sword), Tress MacNeille (Fang), Erica Luttrell (Candy), Kevin Michael Richardson (Uncle Oswidge), Frank Welker (Faffy), Jeff Bennett (narrator), Paul Rugg (The Dark Lord Chuckles, the Silly Piggy). 21 episodes.