Aladdin (television) Animated television series based on the characters from the motion picture began on Disney Channel on February 6, 1994, in syndication on September 5, 1994, and ended August 29, 1997, and on CBS on September 17, 1994 where it ended on August 24, 1996. Follows the magical and often hilarious escapades of Aladdin, Jasmine, and the others within and beyond the land of Agrabah. Voices include Val Bettin (Sultan), Dan Castellaneta (Genie), Gilbert Gottfried (Iago), Scott Weinger (Aladdin), Linda Larkin (Jasmine), Jason Alexander (Abis Mal), Bebe Neuwirth (Mirage), Michael Jeter (Runtar), Julie Brown (Saleen). 86 episodes.