Q: Q: My mother in law, Olga Walker nee Wickner (now deceased) worked for Disney in the late 1930s early 1940s. She graduated from UCLA about 1937 as an art major and reportedly joined Disney. She married in 1942 and may have continued to work for Disney until after the war? In her artist’s case is a sign she taped somewhere with the following: Olga Walker Inking and Painting Cor. 115 Desk 17 There are also small drawings of Snow White, some of the dwarfs and a folio (possibly from the opening?) of Pinocchio at Center Theatre February 7, 1940. She said she worked on all the Disney film of the era. Is there a record of her years as a Disney employee and of the films she would have worked on?
John, Campbell, California
A: According to Disney personnel records in the Archives, Olga Wickner worked in the Ink and Paint department from May 1939 to June 1944, when she resigned.
Dave Smith