Zero Hour (television) One-hour drama series, debuting on ABC on February 14, 2013, and ending August 3, 2013. As publisher of Modern Skeptic Magazine, Hank Galliston has spent his career following clues, debunking myths, and cracking conspiracies. But when his wife is abducted from her antique clock shop, Hank gets pulled into one of the most compelling mysteries in human history. Contained in one of his wife’s clocks is a treasure map, and what it leads to could be cataclysmic. It is up to Hank to unlock the secrets of the map while ensuring the answers don’t fall into the wrong hands. He and his colleagues embark on a breathless race against the clock to not only find his wife, but save humanity. Stars Anthony Edwards (Hank Galliston), Carmen Ejogo (Rebecca Riley), Scott Michael Foster (Arron Martin), Addison Timlin (Rachel Lewis), Jacinda Barrett (Laila Galliston) Michael Nyqvist (White Vincent). Produced by ABC Studios.