Super Buddies (film) Direct to DVD and Blu-ray film, released on August 27, 2013. An ordinary day at Fernfield Farms turns extraordinary when Budderball, Mudbud, B-Dawg, Buddha, and Rosebud discover mysterious rings that grant them each a unique super power. The pups unleash their amazing abilities and race to the rescue when a shape-shifting bully from outer space threatens the planet. Directed by Robert Vince. Stars John Ratzenberger (Marvin Livingstone), Michael Teigen (Sheriff Dan), Jason Earles (Jack Schaeffer). Voices include Cooper Roth (B-Dawg), Tenzing Trainor (Buddha), Jeremy Shinder (Budderball), Ty Panitz (Mudbud), G. Hannelius (Rosebud), Tim Conway (Deputy Sniffer).