StarStruck (television) A Disney Channel Original Movie, premiered on February 14, 2010. Jessica Olson, a down-to-earth girl from the Midwest who is visiting her grandmother in Los Angeles with her family has a chance meeting with Hollywood pop star Christopher Wilde. It seems that Christopher has it all—fame, fortune, and a big-budget Hollywood movie awaiting him—but after spending time with Jessica, he realizes that he has been missing out on something very important—being himself. As he shows her the city sights, the pair develop a friendship, but their bond is tested when he publicly denies knowing her. Now Christopher must decide what is more important—being true to himself or becoming a movie star. Directed by Michael Grossman. Stars Sterling Knight (Christopher Wilde), Danielle Campbell (Jessica Olson), Brandon Mychal Smith (Stubby), Maggie Castle (Sara Olson), Chelsea Staub (Alexis Bender), Dan O’Connor (Dean Olson), Beth Littleford (Barbara Olson). Filmed at landmark locations in Los Angeles.