Rocketeer, The (television) Comedic animated adventure series on Disney Junior, premiering Nov. 8, 2019, on Disney Channel, Disney Junior, and DisneyNOW. A young girl named Kit receives a surprise package on her birthday revealing she’s next in line to become the Rocketeer, a legendary superhero who has the ability to fly with the help of a rocket-pack. Armed with her cool new gear and secret identity, Kit is ready to take flight and save the day with her gadget-minded best friend, Tesh, and Butch the bulldog by her side. Inspired by Dave Stevens’ comic book series and the Walt Disney Pictures feature film. Voices include Kitana Turnbull (Kit), Billy Campbell (Dave Secord), Kathy Najimy (Sareena Secord), Callan Farris (Tesh), Frank Welker (Grandpa Ambrose), Navia Robinson (Valerie Valkyrie), Kari Wahlgren (Harley). From Disney Television Animation.