Pirates of the Caribbean: Tales of the Code: Wedlocked

Pirates of the Caribbean: Tales of the Code: Wedlocked (film) Live-action short released as part of a Blu-ray collection of four Pirates movies, on October 18, 2011. Serves as a prequel to The Curse of the Black Pearl, inspired by the auction scene in the Disneyland attraction. Two wenches believe they are both betrothed to Jack Sparrow, but he has secretly traded them to the auctioneer for a fancy hat. They think the auctioneer is raising money for them, when in actuality they are being sold as brides to the highest bidder. Directed by James Ward Byrkit. Stars John Vickery (auctioneer), Vanessa Branch (Giselle), Lauren Maher (Scarlett). 10 min. Three pirates—Marquis D’avis, Atencio, and Slurry Gibbons—are named after Imagineers who worked on the original attraction.