Love Bug, The (television) Two-hour television movie, aired on The Wonderful World of Disney on November 30, 1997. Now owned by egotistical Englishman, Simon Moore III, Herbie is junked when he places last in a big race. The little car is saved from demolition by Hank Cooper, a washed-up racer-turned-mechanic. Hank discovers Herbie’s special personality, and Herbie tries to help out Hank in his romance with Alex Davis, while defending himself against Moore’s newly created car-with-a-personality–Horace, the Hate Bug. Directed by Peyton Reed. Stars Bruce Campbell (Hank Cooper), John Hannah (Simon Moore), Alexandra Wentworth (Alex Davis), Kevin J. O’Connor (Roddy Martel). Dean Jones returns to play Jim Douglas, Herbie’s first owner, three decades after he made the original film.