Lion Guard, The (television) Animated series on Disney Junior, premiering Jan. 15, 2016, on Disney Channel. A continuation of The Lion King (1994) story, it follows the adventures of Kion, the second-born cub of Simba and Nala, and his diverse group of friends, each with a unique skill, as they unite to protect the Pride Lands. Each episode incorporates Swahili words and phrases and includes original songs. The Education and Science experts at Disney’s Animal Kingdom serve as consultants, inspiring original stories and advising on the characteristics, behaviors, and habitats of various African animal species. The story was introduced in the Disney Channel movie The Lion Guard: Return of the Roar, and a preview episode (“The Rise of Makuu”) was available online starting Dec. 14, 2015. An interactive appisode, “Bunga the Wise,” was made available Jul. 7, 2016, on the Disney Junior Appisodes app. Voices include Max Charles (Kion), Joshua Rush (Bunga), Atticus Shaffer (Ono), Diamond White (Fuli), Dusan Brown (Beshte), Rob Lowe (Simba), Gabrielle Union (Nala), Eden Riegel (Kiara), Jeff Bennett (Zazu), Andrew Kishino (Janja), Vargus Mason (Cheezi), Jonny Rees (Mzingo), Khary Payton (Rafiki), Kevin Schon (Chungu/Timon), Gary Anthony Williams (Mufasa), Ernie Sabella (Pumbaa). From Disney Television Animation.