Horse Sense (television) A Disney Channel Original Film; first aired on November 20, 1999. Eleven-year-old Tommy visits his wealthy cousin, Michael, in Beverly Hills, but Michael ignores the kid. Michael is punished for his behavior by being sent to Tommy’s ranch in Montana for the summer, and he has a miserable time trying to acclimate himself to ranch life. However, when Michael discovers that Tommy and his mother are in jeopardy of losing their property due to foreclosure, he and Tommy unite to save the ranch, and in the process he learns an important lesson about hard work, family, and love. Directed by Greg Beeman. Stars Andy Lawrence (Tommy Biggs), Joey Lawrence (Michael Woods), Susan Walters (Jules Biggs), M.C. Gainey (Twister), Leeann Hunley (Jacy Woods), Robin Thomas (Glenn Woods). In 2001, there was a sequel—Jumping Ship.