Hope & Faith (television) Half-hour comedy series on ABC; premiering on September 26, 2003, and ending on June 23, 2006. Stay-at-home mom, Hope, leads a busy, family-centered life with her husband, children, and live-in father. But when her Hollywood celebrity sister, Faith, is written out of the soap opera in which she stars and comes to stay with her sister’s family in suburbia, Hope’s sensible, down-to-earth world changes drastically. Raising three kids has never been easy for Hope, but the appearance of trendy, theatrical Faith turns parenting into crisis management. Stars Faith Ford (Hope), Kelly Ripa (Faith), Josh Stamberg (Charley), Harve Presnell (Jack), Macey Cruthird (Hayley), Brie Larson (Sydney), Slade Pearce (Justin). From Touchstone Television.