Fourth Anniversary Show, The (television) Television show; aired on September 11, 1957. Directed by Sidney Miller. Celebrating four years on television, Walt Disney first describes his 1938 meeting with Serge Prokofieff, and shows the resulting film, Peter and the Wolf. Then he joins the Mouseketeers to tell about plans for future shows, introducing Jerome Courtland (Andy Burnett) and Guy Williams (Zorro). The Mouseketeers then surprise Walt with two musical sequences from a movie they hope he will let them star in, The Rainbow Road to Oz. He agrees, and they celebrate. Stars Fess Parker and the Mouseketeers. The Rainbow Road to Oz was never made, so these are the only two sequences that were ever filmed. Instead, in 1985 Disney made Return to Oz, with a totally different plot line and no longer a musical.