Four Diamonds, The (television) A Disney Channel Premiere Film; first aired on August 12, 1995. Young cancer patient Chris Millard escaped into his imagination by writing The Four Diamonds. In the tale, he cast members of his family in various roles, including himself as Sir Millard, and his doctor, Dr. Burke, as Raptenahad, the evil sorceress. Taken prisoner by Raptenahad, Sir Millard must win his freedom by carrying out a quest demanded by the sorceress: he must obtain for her the four diamonds of courage, honesty, wisdom, and strength. Directed by Peter Werner. Stars Thomas Guiry (Chris), Christine Lahti (Dr. Burke), Kevin Dunn (Charles Millard), Jayne Brook (Irma Millard), Sarah Rose Karr (Stacie), Michael Bacall (Tony Falco).