Eloise at Christmastime (television) Two-hour television movie, aired on The Wonderful World of Disney on November 22, 2003. New York’s Plaza Hotel is deep in preparations for a Christmas Eve wedding of the owner’s daughter, and Eloise decides to “help” with the arrangements. She goes head-to-head with event coordinator Prunella Stickler and even plays matchmaker when she has suspicions about the groom. The wedding isn’t the only thing in which Eloise gets involved—as usual she interferes with the lives of all her friends at the hotel, and tries to deliver each the best Christmas present imaginable. Directed by Kevin Lima. Stars Julie Andrews (Nanny), Sofia Vassilieva (Eloise), Jeffrey Tambor (Mr. Salomone), Christine Baranski (Prunella Stickler), Debra Monk (Maggie), Gavin Creel (Bill). Produced by Hand Made Films in association with Di Novi Pictures. This movie was filmed at the same time as Eloise at the Plaza, which aired seven months earlier. Released on video in 2004.