Cheetah Girls, The (television) A Disney Channel Original Movie, premiering August 15, 2003. Four multi-talented New York City teens from dissimilar homes and economic backgrounds—a cultural melting pot of Black, Italian, Dominican, Puerto Rican, and Cuban heritages—have a dream to take the world by storm with their music group. All the while, they navigate “cheeta-licious” fashion and boys (including their musical arch rival), family, and parents. Directed by Oz Scott. Stars Raven (Galleria Garibaldi), Lynn Whitfield (Dorothea Garibaldi), Adrienne Bailon (Chanel), Kiely Williams (Aqua), Sabrina Bryan (Dorinda Thomas), Kyle Schmid (Derek), Sandra Caldwell (Drinka Champagne), Vincent Corazza (Jackal Johnson). Based on the books by Deborah Gregory.