Books The first Disney book was a Mickey Mouse Book, published by Bibo-Lang in 1930 and featuring a story written by Bobette Bibo, the young daughter of the publisher. It was followed in 1931 by The Adventures of Mickey Mouse, published in hardback and paperback by David McKay, the first of several Disney books from that publisher. Blue Ribbon Books published some Disney pop-up books in 1933, but it was a contract with Whitman Books that same year that began a virtual flood of Disney titles. Whitman, later known as Western Printing and Lithographing and Western Publishing, headquartered in Racine, Wisconsin, remained one of the major publishers of Disney books for many years. Disney Little Golden and Big Golden Books are fondly remembered by many people; the books were kept in print many years after their original publication. A Wonderful World of Reading book club was begun by Random House in 1972, reaching millions of readers. In 1991, Disney set up its own publishing arm, with Hyperion, Hyperion Books for Children, Disney Press, and Mouse Works imprints. The Jump at the Sun imprint was added in 1998; it was the first children’s book imprint devoted to celebrating the richness of African, African American, and Caribbean American culture. In 1999, Disney Editions took over as the imprint of non-fiction Disney-themed adult books, such as the “Making of” animated features books and Disney reference material. In 2005, Disney Editions added Disney-branded fiction to its list.