Big Hero 6 The Series (television) Animated series on Disney XD premiering Nov. 20, 2017. The story picks up immediately following the events of the feature film, continuing the adventures and friendship of 14-year-old tech genius Hiro and his compassionate, cutting-edge robot, Baymax. Hiro faces daunting academic challenges and social trials as the new prodigy at San Fransokyo Institute of Technology. Along with their friends Wasabi, Honey Lemon, Go Go, and Fred, Hiro and Baymax form the legendary superhero team Big Hero 6 and embark on high-tech adventures as they protect their city from an array of scientifically enhanced villains. Voices include Ryan Potter (Hiro), Scott Adsit (Baymax), Jamie Chung (Go Go), Genesis Rodriguez (Honey Lemon), Khary Payton (Wasabi), Brooks Wheelan (Fred), Maya Rudolph (Aunt Cass). From Disney Television Animation.