Monk (television) One-hour television series about a brilliant but obsessive-compulsive private detective premiering as a two-hour movie on USA Network on July 12, 2002. In an unusual move, it was then picked up by ABC for airing on the network after its cable airing (the first 13 episodes), beginning August 13, 2002. Due to the tragic unsolved murder of his wife, Adrian Monk has developed an abnormal fear of germs, heights, crowds, and virtually everything else, which cost him his position as a legendary homicide detective on the San Francisco police force, and provides an unusual challenge to solving crimes, not to mention his day-to-day existence. Stars Tony Shalhoub (Adrian Monk), Bitty Schram (Sharona), Ted Levine (Capt. Stottlemeyer). Produced by Mandeville Films in association with Touchstone Television. Tony Shalhoub won an Emmy for Best Actor in a Comedy Series in 2003 and 2005. Repeats of full seasons of Monk began on NBC on March 2, 2008; the series ended on December 4, 2009.