Earth (film) Documentary telling the story of animal families—emphasizing the polar bear, humpbacked whale, and elephant–and their amazing journeys across the planet. Directed by Alastair Fothergill and Mark Linfield. Released in the U.S. on Earth Day, April 22, 2009; original release at the Vaduz Film Festival on July 14, 2007. Narrated by James Earl Jones (narrator for the earlier version had been Patrick Stewart). Produced by BBC Worldwide and Greenlight Media for Disneynature. 90 min. The first film in the Disneynature series. Filming from a great height from helicopters using the gyro-stabilized Cineflex aerial camera system allowed the filmmakers to track their wild and elusive animal characters from great distances and place them into the context of their environment while not disturbing them. The film broke records for a nature documentary at its opening.