Q: I am a Walt Disney fan and collector and was just wondering if you can tell me something about a piece of memorabilia I have in my collection. It’s a continuity script for Pinocchio. It’s about 200 pages and is 11 by 17 inches or so. It’s very nice and I’m really enjoying flipping through it to see how this classic movie was made. Anyways, hope you can help. Thanks for your time and all you do to keep these great Disney treasures in shape so we can share them too.
Jaimie, Chilliwack, British Columbia
A: A continuity script, also known as a cutting continuity, is prepared after a film is finished. It breaks the film down scene by scene, including descriptions of the action and all dialogue, and gives the exact footage. It can then be of help to those dubbing foreign versions, quoting dialogue, preparing television and DVD versions, etc. A shooting script, on the other hand, does not represent the final film—changes are often made on set or in the editing room.
Dave Smith