Q: I really enjoy the music from the films, especially the deleted songs. I have fallen in love with the deleted songs from Cinderella and absolutely love The Lost Chords soundtracks that have the original demo and then an orchestrated recording. Do you have a list of all the deleted songs from Cinderella and why some of them weren’t put onto the newest soundtrack, including one of the work songs?
Mitchell, Roseville, California
A: No one has compiled a list of all deleted songs. Perhaps you are aware that bonus material on the 2005 Platinum Edition of Cinderella included some deleted songs, one being the alternate “Cinderella Work Song.” I checked with Russell Schroeder, the author of the two-volume book set Disney’s Lost Chords (available on Amazon). While Volume 1 of his set includes eight deleted songs from Cinderella, two were never recorded: “Horse-Sense” and “Raga-Daga-Day.” The only other Cinderella songs he is aware of are “Pretending” (Morey/Wolcott) and “Tee Hee Hee, You Can’t Scare Me” (David/Hoffman/Livingston). Neither has been published or recorded.
Dave Smith