Q: A long time ago on Vault Disney, I saw a movie about an old man trying to find some kids in a magical land. I’m not sure if they were his grandchildren or not but I remember that everyone was little. I think the kids had been turned into little people as well. I remember seeing a lot of trees and grass and maybe flowers. I can’t remember as much as I would like. I know it was in black and white, and I think I remember the old man in a car singing with his grandchildren. I would really like to know the name of this movie. I can’t seem to find out anywhere.
Shae, Texas
A: You may be thinking of The Gnome-Mobile (1967). Walter Brennan was the grandfather, and the two kids from Mary Poppins played his grandchildren. In the redwood forests of California, while riding in an old Rolls Royce, they encountered a colony of gnomes who were living there. The movie was in color, but perhaps you saw it in black and white on television.
Dave Smith