Q: I love your trivia and have noticed you can answer the oddest questions. Well, I have one for you. My mom and I love Carousel of Progress and the songs. I have wondered about one song in particular, “Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow.” She told me as a kid at the New York World’s Fair that she saw Carousel of Progress, but the wonderful song “Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow” was sung by Walt Disney. Is this true? If so, why did they change it for the show we now watch today at the park? Is this music track available with Walt?
Morgan, Cockeysville, Maryland
A: Walt Disney’s voice was not used in the Carousel of Progress. He sang, “There’s a Great Big Beautiful Tomorrow” on a short film he made with the Sherman Brothers for GE, which was sponsoring the show at the fair. Perhaps your mom saw that film. The lead vocalist for the song at the fair was Rex Allen, who was also the voice of the father. The film with Walt and the Sherman Brothers appeared as an “Easter egg” in the bonus materials for the Tomorrowland Disney Treasures DVD. You can check websites on the Internet to discover how to find it.
Dave Smith