Q: There was a very famous meeting (famous in the space community) between Walt Disney and John F. Kennedy about the work being done at the Disney Studios called Man in Space. (It is widely believed that Wernher Von Braun also played a key role in meetings and information exchange.) Shortly after this meeting, Kennedy made his landmark speech about sending a man to the Moon and returning him safely to Earth. Does Disney Archives have record of this event?
Christopher, Crestline, California
A: There was no such meeting. Actually, it was President Dwight D. Eisenhower who contacted Disney after the airing of Man in Space in 1955 to request a print of the film, which he could show to some of his people involved in the space program. Kennedy was not involved. We are unaware that Walt Disney ever met Kennedy, though the then-Senator did visit Disneyland in 1959.
Dave Smith