Q: My grandfather was a strafing fighter pilot in WWII in the Navy, serving in the Pacific. He flew for the VC-11 squadron aboard the USS Nehenta Bay. The artwork for the squadron was created by Disney, and I would like to get a copy, in full color, of the artwork if possible. The artwork is of an ape up in the clouds with machine guns at his feet and bombs grasped in his hands. Thank you in advance.
James, Wichita, Kansas
A: The Archives does not seem to have a color photo of the VC-11 squadron insignia, sent to the unit in January 1944, but I can provide a description of the colors—ape: brown with light yellow hands, feet, ear, and face; background: yellow; cloud: light blue; machine guns: gray and black; bombs: black with red noses; muzzle flashes: yellow.
Dave Smith