Star Wars: The Force Awakens (film) Thirty years ago, the Galactic Empire was defeated, but now the Galaxy faces a new threat known as the First Order. Led by the mysterious Supreme Leader Snoke, and his ruthless emissaries General Hux, Kylo Ren, and Captain Phasma, they aim to hunt down the last Jedi, Luke Skywalker (who has been missing for some time), and to rule the Galaxy by destroying all opposition with the help of their planetary weapon, Starkiller Base. General Leia Organa and ace pilot Poe Dameron of the Resistance are also searching for Luke’s whereabouts. Old friends Han Solo and Chewbacca are joined by Finn, a former First Order Stormtrooper, and Rey, a scavenger from the planet Jakku, to aid in the search. When Rey finds Dameron’s one-of-a-kind astromech droid, BB-8, who holds the key to Luke’s location, the unexpected team is thrust into the middle of a battle between the Resistance and the feared First Order, leading our heroes down unexpected paths that will change their lives forever. Directed by J.J. Abrams. Released on December 18, 2015, also in 3D and IMAX, after some international openings on December 15-17. Stars Harrison Ford (Han Solo), Mark Hamill (Luke Skywalker), Carrie Fisher (General Leia), Adam Driver (Kylo Ren), Daisy Ridley (Rey), John Boyega (Finn), Oscar Isaac (Poe Dameron), Lupita Nyong’o (Maz Kanata), Andy Serkis (Snoke), Domhnall Gleeson (Gen. Hux), Gwendoline Christie (Capt. Phasma). 136 min. Music by John Williams. Filmed in widescreen format. From Lucasfilm Ltd. and Bad Robot. A lavish world premiere was held on December 14, 2015, along Hollywood Boulevard in Los Angeles (shutting down several city blocks), and took over three large movie houses—the El Capitan, Dolby, and the TCL Chinese theaters. With several thousand guests in attendance, the premiere was one of the largest Hollywood had ever seen. The film was a huge hit and set an all-time industry opening weekend record of $248 million domestically, and $281 million internationally, plus record-breaking ticket pre-sales.