Mouse Factory, The (television) Syndicated television series produced and directed by Ward Kimball; aired for two seasons beginning January 26, 1972. There were 43 shows, each featuring classic Disney animated cartoons tied to the appearance of a guest star host or hostess in a specially produced live-action sequence. For example, Jo Anne Worley hosted a show about horses, Jonathan Winters one about space travel, and Bill Dana one about bullfighting. The other hosts were Wally Cox, Pat Buttram, Pat Paulsen, Dom De Luise, Charles Nelson Reilly, Skiles & Henderson, Johnny Brown, Don Knotts, Phyllis Diller, John Byner, Jim Backus, Joe Flynn, Harry Morgan, Dave Madden, Henry Gibson, Kurt Russell, John Astin, Nipsey Russell, Shari Lewis, Ken Berry, and Annette Funicello. Shows were 30 min.