Alamo, The (film) An epic retelling of the 1836 battle in San Antonio de Bexar where less than 200 men, led by James Bowie, Lt. Col. William B. Travis, and the legendary Davy Crockett, try to hold the small, ruined mission, the Alamo, against the much larger forces of Mexican general Antonio López de Santa Anna. The Texans and their deeds would pass into history as General Sam Houston’s rallying cry for Texas independence and into legend for their symbolic significance. Released on April 9, 2004, after a March 27 world premiere in San Antonio. Directed by John Lee Hancock. A Touchstone Picture. Stars Dennis Quaid (Sam Houston), Billy Bob Thornton (Davy Crockett), Jason Patric (Jim Bowie), Patrick Wilson (Col. William B. Travis), Jordi Mollá (Juan Seguín), Emilio Echevarria (Santa Anna). 137 min. Filmed in Cinemascope on location in Texas, with a 45-acre set of the Alamo and its courtyard built on a private ranch west of Austin. With 70 structures on 51 acres, it was the largest free-standing set ever built in North America. Released on video in 2004.