White Fang (film) A young adventurer, Jack Conroy, in the harsh wilderness of Alaska, along with Klondike prospector Alex Larson, come upon a wolf-dog, White Fang, who has been raised by an Indian. White Fang, through deception, becomes the property of the devious Beauty Smith who mistreats him. Jack rescues the animal and patiently begins to rebuild his spirit and trust. Jack learns the ways of the wilderness as he and White Fang risk their lives for each other. Released on January 18, 1991. Directed by Randal Kleiser. 109 min. Stars Klaus Maria Brandauer (Alex Larson), Ethan Hawke (Jack Conroy), Seymour Cassel (Skunker), James Remar (Beauty Smith), Susan Hogan (Belinda). Based on the novel by Jack London. Filmed on location in Alaska. Released on video in 1991. A sequel, White Fang 2: The Myth of the White Wolf, was released in 1994.