Animated short-form series; digitally released on the Watch Disney Junior app beginning in May 2015, followed by airings on Disney Junior. Deep in a secret realm between the Disney Princess kingdoms is Whisker Haven, the royal animal kingdom where the princesses’ Palace Pets discover the beauty of kindness, the glamour of serving others, and the royal heart of friendship as they fulfill their duties as royal pets. Whisker Haven is also home to a variety of animals, such as horses, birds, and ferrets, known as Critterzens. Voices include Natalie Coughlin (Petite), Sanai Victoria (Treasure), Bailey Gambertoglio (Pumpkin), Henry Kaufman (Sultan), Myla Beau (Dreamy/Screamy). From Ghostbot Studios and Disney Publishing. An extension of the Disney Princess franchise, the Palace Pets were first introduced in the Disney Princess Palace Pets app in Jun. 2013 and became popular merchandise items thereafter.