Sonny With a Chance (television) Comedy series on Disney Channel, debuting on February 8, 2009. Sonny Munroe, a talented Midwestern girl, relocates to Los Angeles to join the cast of the most popular sketch comedy show for teens and tweens, So Random! But life behind the scenes on a Hollywood set is not as idyllic as Sonny imagined, especially because of her fellow performers: the self-absorbed Tawni, suave Nico, funnyman Grady, quirky Zora, and dreamy Chad Dylan Cooper, star of MacKenzie Falls, the teen drama that films in the adjacent studio, and whose cast has a simmering rivalry with the So Random! cast. Stars Demi Lovato (Sonny Munroe), Tiffany Thornton (Tawni Hart), Sterling Knight (Chad Dylan Cooper), Brandon Mychal Smith (Nico Harris), Doug Brochu (Grady Mitchell), Allisyn Ashley Arm (Zora Lancaster), Nancy McKeon (Connie Munroe), Michael Kostroff (Marshall Pike), Vicki Lewis (Ms. Bitterman). From It’s a Laugh Productions.