Scarecrow of Romney Marsh, The (television) Three-part television show; aired on February 9, 16, and 23, 1964. Directed by James Neilson. Adapted from the book Christopher Syn by Russell Thorndike and William Buchanan. The adventures of a disguised vicar who fights for justice in 18th-century England. The people in Kent and Sussex have turned to smuggling to get around unjust and heavy import taxes. The Vicar of Dymchurch disguises himself as a scarecrow to help the people against the king’s men, eventually aided by one of the royal officers. Stars Patrick McGoohan, George Cole, Tony Britton, Michael Hordern, Geoffrey Keen, Kay Walsh, Sean Scully. Filmed on location in England, including the actual Romney Marsh. A theatrical version was called Dr. Syn, Alias the Scarecrow.