River, The (television) Drama series on ABC, premiering on February 7, 2012, and ending on March 20, 2012. Famed explorer Dr. Emmet Cole went looking for magic deep in the uncharted Amazon and never returned. When his emergency beacon suddenly goes off, his family and friends set out on a mysterious and deadly journey to find him. Led by his wife, Tess, and estranged son, Lincoln, the rescue mission takes them to unexplored territory, where nothing is what it seems. To fund the rescue, Tess and Lincoln agree to let Dr. Cole’s cagey ex-producer, Clark, film the mission documentary style. Stars Bruce Greenwood (Emmet Cole), Joe Anderson (Lincoln), Leslie Hope (Tess), Eloise Mumford (Lena Landry), Paul Blackthorne (Clark Quietly), Thomas Kretschmann (Capt. Kurt Brynildson), Daniel Zacapa (Emilio Valenzuela), Shaun Parkes (Andreus Jude Poulain), Paulina Gaitán (Jahel Valenzuela). Produced by ABC Studios, with Steven Spielberg’s Amblin and DreamWorks Television.